Interview with Amy

To begin with, introduce yourself, acrostic poem style!

Architecture, in first year Masters
Yoghurt.. :)

Youth group is…

Christ, I believe.
Holy, we should all try to be by
Encouraging one another in faith in our
Ongoing spiritual battle
Never give up when the..
Going gets tough!

What do you remember of your first time at youth group?

Youth Group is... a place where young people can gather in the name of Jesus to learn more about God's word and worship Him. This event happens on every Friday night! :)

I remember going to YG for the first time and everyone was really friendly. It was the people who were there that kept me coming and curious in the beginning!

What do you think new-comers need?

Speaking on my past experience, I think new comers firstly need to learn more about what God did for us through Christ. Many who come probably don't exactly know that God loves them, but each of the people at YG have the ability to share this with them, whether through their words or actions in just getting to know them.

What does being chair/co-chairperson of the YG mean? What does the role involve?

Being Co-Chair means that we are responsible for leading the youth to grow in faith in God. Ultimately, God will be using us so it's not so much that we get to make the decisions, but we hope to let God guide us in planning and co-ordinating events and Bible studies. James and I hope to set a good example to the youth this year, however, we are not perfect, and we are human as well, so we will make mistakes! We will try our hardest to encourage you and with God's help, we will pray for your personal relationship with God. If you have any personal issues or questions about God please feel free to approach James or myself! :)

What do you hope to see happen in the YG this year?

I hope to see your spiritual life grow in Christ!

Please give us a brief description of your co-chair.

James has been a great friend of mine for MANY MANY years! He was actually the one who encouraged me and answered my questions when I was curious about God. The reason why I first went to this YG was because James asked me! James has such a strong character, and he is passionate about God. Ever since I knew him, I knew he was a strong believer in Christ and over the past few years, I have seen him persevere through many struggles. He is someone who has grown a lot over the past few years and personally, it's been really encouraging. It's great that there's two of us rather than one to be Co-Chairs!

My all time favourite verse(s) from the Bible is…

My all time favourite verse from the Bible is 1 Corinthians 13:4 onwards.

It describes God's perfect love for us!

Sometimes newspapers report that there are fewer youth going to church than in the past. Why do you think this is so?

I think that whatever happened in the past happened for a reason so it is our duty to learn from it. I think that God has many things planned for us, so we will just have to see what happens! :)

Finally, any prayer requests?

Prayer requests - I would like to ask for you to pray for my time management over the next few weeks due to uni and work commitments. Pray for the leaders and youth!

Interview compiled by Monica Lee


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